Photography Fundamentals with classroom exercises
Design for anyone wanting to know how you can control the look of your images. We cover camera setting, understanding exposure, how setting effect the focus & movement as well as lighting. We will be taking images in a studio with both flash and continuous lighting. we do also cover some editing in Adobe Lightroom. This is a course for beginners starting with a DSLR and wanting to know how to get the best results.
6 hours of training, Course PDF, Video access, Food and drinks for the day.
Understanding Camera Setting
1 hour and 30 minutes
Session 1 is theory
what we cover is
How a digital camera sensor works.
What is a pixel?
What is exposure?
The Exposure Triangle.
Understanding Aperture
Understanding Shutter speed
Understanding ISO
Basics of Dynamic Range
Tips and trick
Understanding lighting
45 minutes
How light behaves and how to control it.
In the studio, we imitate sunlight and show how we can control it to give us the look we desire.
Playing with artificial lighting.
45 minutes
Looking at artificial lighting options
In the studio, we look at the pros and cons of artificial lighting and how to use it for photographing people and still life.
Playing with Flash lighting.
45 minutes
Looking at Flash lighting.
In the studio, we look at the pros and cons of flash lighting and how to use it for photographing people and still life.
we also look at creative effects you can create when mixing lighting.
Taking what we have learnt.
1 hour and 30 minutes
Once we have learnt the basics it’s now time to put them to the test.
we will be doing tasks that mix what we have learnt and test your knowledge of photography.
Digital Editing and review
45 minutes
On our laptops, we will edit some of the images we have taken. I will teach the development part of Adobe Lightroom and how to get more from your images. After you have had some practice we can review images and see how we could have improved them.
What To Bring
Cameras, lenses and Laptop with Adobe Lightroom Classic